Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Sometimes this place,
This little corner of the internet,
 Amazes me.

Because of people like:
I started this blog.

Because of it,
I wrote.
By myself.
For myself.

But then,
I wrote for an audience.
Even when it was scary.
Maybe because it was scary.

I opened myself up,
First, to strangers.
Then, to my students.

I wrote beside them.
Thanks, Kittle.
And I became a better writer.
So did they.
We talked,
Writer to writer.
Peer to peer.
Because I wrote,
I knew what they were going through.

All because of this place,
Things began happening.
I met others.
People knew me through my writing.
I was published on Choice Literacy.
I was an author.

Dreams becoming fulfilled.
Because of a blog.
Because I was a person who writes.
A writer.

Thank you for reading.
Thank you for commenting.

Thank you for nominating me for the Edublog Award.
I had no idea until today.
Please don’t feel that you need to vote for me,
I’m just thrilled you even stop by.

But feel free to vote for the amazing folks that are over there,
Like Matt Gomez,
Kindergarten teacher extraordinaire.
And thanks.
I’m glad you’re here.