Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Studying Blogging with my Students

One of my favorite things about Twitter is that my network of Twitter friends inspires me on a regular basis. I can absolutely say that I am a better teacher for joining. By reading their tweets and blogs, I get ideas for my classroom and push myself to try new things.

This week I am looking at our student blogs as a result of an ongoing conversation with Katie Muhtaris (@literacyspark). I had been feeling that some of our blogs were a bit lackluster of late. Many kids saw it as almost a text message with blogs like, Read The Unwanteds. It’s an amazing book you will be glad you didn’t miss. I wanted them to do more. I questioned if I had just rushed them into blogging at the start of the year. I wasn’t sure what to do.

In talking to Katie, I decided to slow down and really study blogs for the next two weeks. We looked at the Slice of Life blogs on Tuesday. We read mine from yesterday, which inspired quite the conversation about sports. And then they wrote their own.

We will continue to do this over the next week. Hopefully this will inspire my students to take a fresh look at blogging and work on improving their writing. I know that in just one day, I was impressed with the change. If you’d like to read their blogs, click HERE. I know they’d love any comments you send their way.
