Thursday, March 6, 2014

Slice of Life - A Birthday Gift

Slice of Life is sponsored on Tuesdays by Two Writing Teachers. For the month of March we are posting a slice each day on our blog. Join in! 

Chris and I met in college – I was nineteen, he was twenty. We dated for three years and have been married for almost eighteen. Early in our relationship we watched Steve Martin’s version of Father of the Bride. I loved that movie. We quickly bought a copy of it and the sequel, Father of the Bride II. There were several similarities between some of the characters and us. I will say that both Chris and Steve Martin’s character tend to conserve money well. I loved those movies.

There is one scene, however, I can say I do not understand. Annie Banks gets in a fight with Brian, her fiancé. It seems Brian bought her a blender as a wedding gift and she feels that is a 1950s statement. This is my birthday gift from Chris:

It came yesterday. I immediately began tossing in fruits and vegetables to make a smoothie. The whirl of the blender made me smile with delight. Just looking at it on the counter was a rush of joy. A blender? Yes. I’ll take it in a heartbeat.