I’ve been
working on my attitude of late – too much negativity was being focused on, not
enough positive. A conversation with a friend, dinner with Chris, and preparing
for the March Slice of Life challenge all served to remind me of the awesome
stuff all around me. The small moments that are often overlooked.
My goal
today (Tuesday) was to spend the day looking for the good in the everyday and
see how my attitude was at the end of the day. Here’s what I noticed:
· My students came in this morning
still talking about the fact that I went roller-skating with them in PE the day
before. Twenty minutes out of my prep seems like a small price to gain this
much positive feedback. Planning to go again with them Wednesday.

· Mailed a book to a friend at
lunchtime. Margie has been beyond generous with me this year. It made me smile
to send a book on to her.
· During lunch I got to catch up
with two teachers on my floor. One happens to be very dramatic when acting out
conversations. Any time we catch up I typically find myself bent over, gasping
for breath as I laugh. Rejuvenating.
· At the end of the day I got to
catch up with another colleague as we discussed Diane Ravitch’s recent post
about CCSS. While the topic wasn’t uplifting, I realized how grateful I am to
have folks I can have these conversations with. I left our chat feeling
positive. There is a lot of good in education – my colleague is proof of it, as
are so many of you.
· Liam and I headed to run errands
for my mom. We made jokes the whole way to the store, her house, back to the
store to get something else for her, back to her house. As he and I made silly
faces in the rearview mirror, I realized I was calmer than I had been in weeks.
· I came home to this beautiful card
from Brenda Power with a note about a recent article I’ve written for Choice
Literacy. I don’t think it is any secret that I would love to write a book one
day. Last year my resolution was to begin to move toward that goal. This blog –
and writing regularly was one step. Trying to write for Choice Literacy was
another. I finally began doing that in June and have written about twelve
articles for them since then. I do feel like I’m headed in the right direction.
Notes from Brenda really brighten my day.

And as I
sat down to type this all out, the smell of cupcakes wafting out of the oven –
ready to take to school for my students tomorrow, I listened. Bally was pacing
the kitchen, looking for scraps of food. Luke and Liam were playing in the
living room. My iPhone was beeping from texts from good friends. Chris came in
to ask me a question. I had to smile. Life is good. When I’m in my grouchiest
moods I just need to stop and realize that. I look forward to tomorrow. I’m
thinking turning 39 is going to rock. It will be a good year.