Davis is like a one-woman superhero for all things “kidlit.” She has a great
podcast, Brain Burps About Books, has a fabulous blog (HERE), and has written wonderful
books, including Little Chicken’s Big Day. She has started hosting some
amazing webinars as well. The other day I saw a tweet about an upcoming webinar
she was hosting with Jenni Holm and Matt Holm, the creators of Babymouse! (Jenni's blog HERE. Matt's blog HERE.) I
immediately signed up.
webinar was super easy to access. I logged on at 11:00 with my RTI group. I
teach a reading intervention and these kids are addicted to graphic novels. I
thought this would be a great way to spend today’s class. When I shared with
them we were going to be watching a webinar, and explained what one was, they
asked who was in it. As soon as I mentioned Jenni Holm and Matt…. they cheered!
They immediately knew it was Babymouse.
the webinar was fun with this group. There was a chat feature on the right side
of the screen so other participants could write comments. The kids were excited
to see a comment from Colby Sharp to me and told me I had to run back to my
desk and comment back to him. (Colby – you truly are famous to this group!)
When Jenni came on she shared a little about how she and Matt grew up, the
inspiration for Babymouse, and how they create a graphic novel. Unfortunately,
right as they got to the question and answer session we had to head to lunch so
we could be on time.
Thanks Katie, Jenni, and Matt for a great webinar. My students and I had a
blast listening in. I will be sure to look for more that we could watch
together in the future!