See, to me, my “rock stars” aren’t really rock stars. Not even celebrities. My rock stars are authors. I still remember walking the exhibit hall with John Schu last year at NCTE. He whispered to me, “That’s Katherine Paterson.” I froze. He wanted to go up and talk to her, and he did, but I couldn’t even move. She is one of my idols.
I’ve always adored authors, from when I was young. But they were out of reach so I never imagined I would have the opportunity to meet, let alone talk, to one. Luckily for my kids, the world seems to be shrinking. I want my own children and my students to see authors as real people. As people that get to do one of the coolest jobs in the world, but people they can actually approach as well.
I think John Green said it well in his vlog just posted yesterday. He talked
about how he wasn’t nervous around Chris Colfer when he was at BEA, but he was around his idol, Jeffrey Eugenides.
And then
today I went running. When dressing I was in a grouchy mood, so I put on my
SMILE t-shirt, from Rania Telgemeier, who I think is amazing, to inspire me to
run. I reached the track and began listening to Katie Davis’s podcast – Brain
Burps about Books. It was the 100th episode and she was interviewing
Jon Scieszka, Katherine Paterson, and Walter Dean Myers – the current and
former National Ambassadors for Young People’s Literature. While I was
listening to Katie and Jon talk about young kids bowing to him when he entered
the room, asking what type of car he drove, or asking to try on the medal, I
couldn’t help but think that this is the way it should be. That authors are our
role models. That kids want to interact with them. And this is what I strive
for in my classroom.
I’ve had
the chance to meet several authors in the past few years. Some are authors of
books for kids, some are authors of books for teachers, and many have become
close friends. And while I’m not nervous around all of them, I admire what they
have done and many have become my mentors. So while some people look forward to
meeting an actor, athlete, or musician – I prefer authors. While saying that, I
also think it is wise to remember that the people we look up to are just
people. Sometimes it is hard to live up to high expectations. That’s why I love
what John Green said at the end of his video, “In our hyper-secular world,
worship is still inevitable. But it is vital to remember, that our gods don’t
choose us, we choose them.” I think who
we admire says something about us. I choose authors and I hope to help my
students do the same.
Today to
celebrate my rock stars, and to thank the amazing Ame Dyckman for Skyping with
my camp, I am giving away one copy of her book. Please enter below.
Giveaway Rules
1. This giveaway will run from June 13th until 11:59 pm June 15th. (Central time zone)
2. This contest is open to people living in the continental United States.
3. You must be at least 13 years to enter.
4. If you can, please pay it forward. Thanks!