Slice of life is sponsored by Stacey and Ruth from Two Writing Teachers
After school on Monday my boys met me in my classroom. I raced around the room straightening up my desk, and then we hurried out the door. After a short drive home we unpacked backpacks, settled into homework routines. I listened to stories being read, signed reading logs, proofread reading response letters, discussed an LLI story, packed myself for grad school, and ran out the door when my husband pulled into the driveway.
Our lives are like anyone’s with young children, or likely even children in general, insanely busy. As I drove to grad school I had a chance to reflect. My drive to school is thirty minutes long – through miles and miles of cornfields. Sometimes I think I get so caught up in the day to day that I forget to relax and appreciate my life. A long drive was just the thing that I needed to allow me to gain some perspective.
As the fields blurred past my window, I began to count my blessings. My husband is amazing. He absolutely supports me, understands that teaching is more than a job to me. And he adores our sons. Speaking of my sons, wow. Who knew how awesome parenthood was? And although I love babies, being a mom has been better with every year. I love going out to lunch with them, talking about their day, discussing what they are reading. And my blessings go on and on. My family, friends, my job, healthy lives, a home, etc.
In this season of giving I am grateful for what I have already been given. I am grateful for the reminder that I get once in awhile that I need to slow down. Finally, I am also grateful for a professor who lets us out of class thirty minutes early- just enough time to race home and put two wonderful little guys to bed.