Second week of Jen and Kellee’s discussion on what we’re reading. I’m worried, however, that I might be ejected from the club. In fact, I’m concerned that Donalyn Miller and Colby Sharp might come steal my Nerdy Book Club membership card back. What is the issue you ask?
*glances side to side* I did not finish a book this week.
I know, I know. My students might string me up. What is going on here? I mean, I did say I was going to be busy. Concerts, two nights of grad school, end of the quarter grades, a trip out of town with friends, but seriously – what is going on?
As you imagine, I was a bit ticked off at myself but then I realized, this is no example to set for my students. I still did read this week. I’m half way through The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann. (And I’m typing this Sunday night; maybe I’ll make up more ground this evening. UPDATE: finished The Unwanteds at 10:40 pm. Yay! ) I read several Elephant and Piggie books with my six year old this week. Several picture books to my students. But my own reading is what I’m blogging about, and that amounted to 160 pages. At first I was disappointed with my self. 160 pages isn’t much. But, I still found time for reading this week, not a ton, but I found time. This is the lesson I want to bring to my class. That we can squeeze in some reading, even when life is insane. And honestly, some of that reading is what got me through this week. I raced to read one chapter – would Alex contact Aaron? When would they let Alex being to learn magic? Why were they holding him back?
At any rate, here’s my plan for this week:
- Finish The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann - DONE!
- Begin The Dragon’s Tooth by N.D. Wilson
My plan for next week:
I’m rubbing my hands together here. My school is out for holiday break this Friday at 2:15. I might be more excited than my students. So, my plan for break is to join Donalyn Miller (@donalynbooks) in holiday #bookaday. If you are on twitter, follow that hashtag over break. If you are unfamiliar with #bookaday this is something Donalyn began a few summers ago (not sure how many). She made the goal of trying to read a book a day (on average) over the summer. Now some days you might read several picture books, graphic novels, early readers, etc. Some times it might take you several days to make it through a longer book. The goal is to read the amount of books equal to the amount of days you are out of school. So, I have sixteen days off, my goal is 16 books. Check back and see if I accomplish this!