Monday, October 14, 2013

Slice of Life - A Busy Weekend

The Sokolowski family and Sue

I’ve been looking ahead to this weekend on the calendar since the start of school - a four-day weekend for my kids, three days for me. I was sure I’d end Columbus Day weekend relaxed and recharged. Like many times in life, things didn’t turn out quite as I planned.

When I had visions of days in pajamas reading dancing around in my head, I forgot a few important things. Namely…

·      A presentation to give on Friday followed by a day of meetings.
·      Babysitting my niece from Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon.
·      A quick day trip to Chicago to see my uncle and aunt who were in town for the week.

This is not to say that anything on my list wasn’t looked forward to – it was an amazing weekend. I am returning to school, however, exhausted and ready to return to a normal schedule.

So today’s slice, out of mind-numbing exhaustion, will be a slice of photos. We spent the day at The Field Museum in Chicago. If you are in Chicago, the museum campus is a fabulous place. While we only had two hours to explore, both Luke and Liam had fun learning about natural history. If I can help to foster a love of learning in these two, I will feel like I’ve done my job pretty well. We’re on our way.
Watching the 3D movie about Sue

In the great hall of the Museum

Becoming a scientist 

The city I love - the lake I love - and a food truck

I have no explanation for Luke's face or Liam's pose.
Finally, I wrote in slice a few weeks ago about a young man, Kyle, in our community who had passed away. A photographer happened to be in town that weekend and snapped some photos of the tractors that lined the road to the cemetery. (Kyle was a farmer.) Please check out the link and story below. This explains eloquently why I love my community and will always have a spot in my heart for farmers. 

Slice of Life is sponsored every Tuesday by Two Writing Teachers