Thursday, April 4, 2013

Staying home

I’m a big fan of staying home. If you know me well, this doesn’t surprise you. Given the choice between: traveling, going to a museum, seeing the sights, or staying at my house – I choose my house. Of course I do leave occasionally, but the times are few and far between. There are select places I will give an immediate yes to when asked if I want to go:

·      Author events at Anderson’s Bookshop – or bookstores in general
·      Out to dinner with friends
·      Conferences for professional development
·      A pedicure
·      Daufuskie Island

So, for example, on spring break just a few weeks ago, you would have found me happily curled up in a chair or my bed reading instead of trekking anywhere with the boys. (They had the flu, but this would have been true even if they were healthy.) I just am happiest when I’m home. My ideal day looks something like this:

6 am – wake up, take Bally outside, catch up on Twitter and Facebook.
7am – write a blog post.
8 am – read.
10am – have some hot chocolate, read.
11 am – take boys to lunch.
12 pm – work out, have boys play outside.
1 pm – read
4 pm – think about dinner. Decide to order out. Check Twitter.

And so on. If I can stay in my pajamas or yoga pants for the day, I consider it a bonus. So it should come as no surprise that today was a favorite day in my classroom.

As I have mentioned before, our school has grade levels divided into teams. On my team there are two other teachers. We all teach our own class writing, then I teach all three groups reading, another teacher handles Social Studies and Science, and the third math. We switch for the afternoon, I only have my own class in the morning around the schedule for specialists.

This afternoon we had a speaker for a chunk of time, and thus we couldn’t switch. This meant we spent the majority of our day “home.” When I informed the students this at 8:10 this morning, they cheered. Inside, I did too. Add the fact that we only had one special and did not switch for RTI meant that we got to spend almost 220 minutes together today. This is huge – some days it is as short as 90 minutes. Today felt like a gift. There was no earth shattering lessons, no new insights to speak of. Just a day spent reading, writing, and talking and we spent it together. The kids celebrated and so did I.  Can’t wait to see them tomorrow.