I’ve been
trying so hard lately to be quiet. I’m sure if you know me well, you might be
laughing at that idea. I do tend to talk. A lot. So this is a bit of a
challenge, to say the least. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to mini-lessons
of late. They typically go something like this.
about a given topic that I want to cover, I create a mini-lesson. Often it is
built around a shared text (usually articles or picture books.) I share the
text, we have a discussion. I ask questions, kids raise their hands and
respond. We turn and talk at various points. Wrap up. End.
I don’t
think my lessons are awful, but I’ve been mulling over two ideas. I forget who
said it, but someone tweeted that if we are only asking questions that we
already know the answer to, we aren’t asking the right questions. Stop. Pause.
Hmm. Then I read more about our new evaluation model and knew that I needed the
kids to be driving the conversation, not me. They needed to be leading the conversation;
I needed to be there, of course, but not always the one in charge. How the heck
was I going to do that?
This might be old hat to some of you, but a lot was new to me. And what is happening in my classroom right now is soooooooo far from perfect; I wouldn’t even want you to come watch. We’re trying, though.
We started with a chart and created a list of “rules” for our conversations – what they called it – during mini-lessons. Some rules they had were:
· Be respectful – let everyone talk.
· Try not to dominate the
· Ensure you talk once (at least)
per mini-lesson.
· Try and build off of the comments
of our classmates.
those in place, we began. The first day they seemed to focus mostly on
reminding each other to put their hand down. Each day has improved, each day I
find another frustration. I love this and hate it. I love that the
conversations seem to take a life of their own. That the students take off in a
direction I didn’t see. I hate that I still have students who aren’t
participating. My shy and reserved students don’t seem to sense that they can
jump in, and I have tried and tried to encourage them, but no luck.
I remind
myself that change takes time. The kids, for the most part, seem to really
enjoy our mini-lesson conversations. Today, for the first time, I saw some payoff.
I always have my own homeroom for reading first. Honestly, I know this group
the best,love them dearly, and they are the chattiest of all three classes. I
had selected a new picture book to share today, Bob Staake’s Bluebird.
The book had arrived at my house last night, I cried as I read it, and
immediately decided to change my plans to share it today.
I placed
the picture book under my document camera and opened it. I explained to my
group that the book was wordless and we’d talk about it after looking through
the story. They had no part of that plan.
From the first page I could hardly squeeze a word in to their running commentary. I thought I’d take them through the story; point out some items I noticed. Instead they immediately began sharing their opinions –
Look, who is that boy?
Oh no – those kids are bullies, aren’t they?
Yep, look at them teasing him in that picture.
Does the boy know the bluebird is
I think the bird knows he needs a
Are we in New York?
Are we in New York?
He’s scared.
How do you know that? (From
another student)
Look at his eyes, they’re huge.
Mrs. S., the light around him
changes when he’s happy or when he’s afraid.
The coloring of this book reminds
me of Babymouse – one color pops.
And on,
and on.
They pointed out things to each other as we wove our way through, connecting, inferring, predicting, questioning. All things I normally would have prompted, but there was no need. The gasp at the end of the book and the full silence showed their engagement. And this happened with all three classes of fifth graders today.
So, we’re not perfect. I’m not perfect. I have no idea if I’m going about this in the right way. That being said, today was fun. I love that they took me somewhere different than I planned. That I really wasn’t in charge of the lesson, they were. I think that taught me more than I realized.