Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sunday Mornings

I'm attempting to write everyday in March.Today is post 18 of 31.

I love Sunday mornings. While we do go to church, we prefer to go on Saturdays at 4:30pm or recently, Sundays at 4pm. That leaves Sunday mornings free. This morning I got up, quietly woke Luke and asked what mass he wanted to go to. He picked 4pm, so that meant the morning would be a quiet one.

It began with the dogs and a short walk for each at 7:30am. Upon returning home, I realized I had some time before anyone else would be up. That meant I could feed the dogs, make pancake batter, let it rest, and read a book or two. (Current romance book read is the Last Call series by Sawyer Bennett. So good.)
The rest of the morning was filled with coffee, dogs looking for dropped food, and pancakes. 
A fabulous start to my day.