Monday, February 16, 2015

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Be sure to visit Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers to learn more about the link up for It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

This week I got the chance to read several books that had been on my to read list for some time. I also found one complete, and delightful, surprise.

My surprise was Kid President's book. I loved the YouTube videos, and the positive message, but this book was terrific. I loved the format, the humor, and the impact that Kid President is trying to have on the world. 

There are two picture books on my list that I hadn't planned on purchasing. I was shopping in a bookstore and saw them. I figured I'd read them because I had heard terrific things about each, but didn't think I would buy them. (My picture book collection is running out of room in my fifth grade classroom. There are at least four hundred of those beautiful slim volumes on our shelves currently.) 

Once I began Red: A Crayon's Story, I was hooked. This is a story I need in my classroom. It's about being who you are, not conforming to other's expectations, about being comfortable in your own skin. Yep, purchased.

Matt de la Pena is an author I adore. I'd heard great things about Last Stop on Market Street, but again, knew I was out of room. Upon reading this book, however, my resolve melted. The grandma in this book is just awesome. Her outlook on life is full of positivity. I had to have this for mini-lesson discussions about how we view the world. Purchased.

Jenny Han's To All the Boys I Loved Before was a fabulous YA title. My book club meets Monday night. Our meeting completely snuck up on me. So I quickly ordered this one on audio, figuring I could listen on some walks this weekend. The problem occurred when I was hooked immediately and wanted to read faster than an audio would take me through the book. So, I ordered it for my Kindle app on my phone. The issue with reading on my phone is that you don't always realize you are getting to the end. While I loved this book, I will freely admit that I flipped the last page and shouted out loud. NOOOOOOO! That's it? What? I quickly flipped pages. Was there another chapter somewhere after these pages. Going online, I was relieved to see there is a sequel coming out this May. I'm not done with these characters yet.

And then there is Sarah Albee's amazing Why'd They Wear That?: Fashion as the Mirror of History. Holy smokes. This book is good. I love Albee's books. Poop Happened and Bugged are both hugely popular titles in my room. This one is going to be a hit. Albee takes us through many interesting fashion choices throughout history - ruffled collars, foot binding, codpieces - and talks us through the reason for the fashion choice and what the historical context is. I know my students will be giggling over the codpiece article for some time. I cannot wait to watch them discover this book. 

Now I plan on curling up with Circus Mirandus and enjoying my day off for President's Day. 

Happy Reading!