Today is a day I’ve had marked on my calendar for
some time. August 28th is not only the release date for Brown Girl Dreaming, but it is also John
Schumacher’s birthday. I’ve known John for many years, although we only first
met in person in 2011. John is easily one of the kindest guys I know. I have
absolutely no doubt if I were to call him up and tell him I had an emergency,
he would help in any way he could. My students from the past few years know Mr.
Schu too. He always reaches out for a Skype visit and helps our classes to
When thinking about how I could possibly celebrate this day, it was suggested that giving away books would be the perfect idea. I have no idea how many books John has given away over the years. He surely has handed out more copies of The One and Only Ivan than anyone in existence. So what should I giveaway? I debated – I could give away a copy of Ivan. Or maybe Flora & Ulysses would be a better choice. Then again, it is the release date for Brown Girl Dreaming. Instead, I went with two books I recently purchased from John’s favorite bookstore, Anderson’s Bookshop. I am honored to give them away in the name of Mr. Schu. If you’d like one, please let me know which you would prefer in the comments. I will pick one person for each book randomly by the end of the day on Friday and will mail it to you.
I encourage you all to celebrate Mr. Schu today.
Take a photo of yourself reading in a random spot. Talk up a book to a friend.
Wear a sticker celebrating books on your shirt. I plan on telling my class
about this fabulous friend I have, Mr. Schu, and being grateful that he is in
my life.
If you tweet about John today, please use the hashtag #mrschubday. Thanks!
Which book would you like in honor of Mr. Schu?
Edited to add - the winners have been selected. Thanks for participating!
Edited to add - the winners have been selected. Thanks for participating!