Saturday, November 30, 2013

Celebrations 11/30/13

Thank you again, Ruth, for giving us this reason to celebrate each Saturday. Check out Ruth’s blog for a link-up of all of the Saturday celebrations this week.

This week my brain is a little fuzzy, my belly a little full. I decided to create a picture mosaic of what I am celebrating and just write a sentence or two for each picture.

(Going across)

1. Friendship - Amazing NCTE friends. This is just one photo, from one night. It seems unbelievable to me that I was just there last week. NCTE inspires me each and every year.

2. Landing. I abhor flying. To Vegas and back I squeezed my husband’s hand so badly that I’m sure he thought he’d lose it. On my own to Boston and home I said the Serenity prayer 4,932 times at least. J

3. Students - How can you not celebrate these faces? My students rock and I was thrilled to get to spend two days with them before Thanksgiving break.

4. #Bookaday – I always celebrate time off and try to read a book a day. As of today, I’m almost done with my sixth book of our five day break.

5. Mom -My mom stayed home from Thanksgiving this year to rest. I’m grateful that she is out of the hospital, though, and that she gave me her pie recipe to make. I’m also grateful it turned out ok. I was extremely stressed.

6. Bally - I will celebrate every day that Bally is still with us. I am hoping she is still here for Christmas, but am also celebrating her long life.

7. Thanksgiving is a celebration itself.

8. Love my niece – and that I got to spend time with her AND my niece Meredith.

9. My family. I will celebrate a few year(s) from now when I am the shortest member.

10. SKYPE – love connecting to family members far away. Technology is amazing.

11. Sons - I celebrate these two every day.

12. Traditions – Christmas Eve on Sesame Street and Cream of Broccolli soup every year on Thanksgiving night.

13. Generations - My 89 year old great uncle. Love him.

14. Christmas Tree – shopping for it with my brother and my dad. It’s like I was ten again.

15. Twitter friends – #nerdloution starts Monday. (Read more about it HERE)

16. Sunsets – I celebrate a good sunrise or sunset every single time. I’m grateful for every day I have.