Do you feel it? The excitement in the air? The anticipation of something
wonderful? That’s right, it is almost here. Just two days from today they will
announce the Caldecott and Newbery winners for 2012. I have dreamed, hoped, and
read like a maniac but the day is upon us.
Last year was the first year I actively set out to try and read the winner
before it was announced. I think I was a bit smug – you see the year before I
had read the wonderful When You Reach Me and proceeded to tell anyone
who would listen that it would win, psychic I tell you! So I read like a maniac
in 2010 and had so many books that I would be happy to have win dancing around
in my head. My students and I had discussed and were sure we were ready. That
fateful day I glanced down at my Twitter feed and said, “Moon Over Manifest?”
To which my students responded, “What’s that?” How let down I was, I was sure
it was a perfectly fine book but I hadn’t even heard of it. What happened? (And
I have read it since, it is a fine book but there are several I had LOVED and I
can’t say that about MOM)
So this year, I read. I read and read and read. And I hope this isn’t
jinxing the announcement, but here are the books I would love to see win. Not
the ones I am confident in winning because last year shot that confidence right
away from me – but if any of these books are announced on Monday morning, I
will be a happy person.
My predictions:
Medal Winner: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. I LOVE this book.
I fully realize the committee might decide it doesn’t qualify for one reason or
another, but I ADORE it.
Honor Winners:
Medal Winner: Me…Jane by Patrick McDonnell
Honor Winners:

And there you have it. Now, it’s time to
wait. And in waiting I’ve read The Mighty Miss Malone and am just
beginning The Fault in Our Stars. Not too shabby of a way to begin my
new year of reading.
Will you be listening Monday morning or
watching the live feed? Will your students be as well? I plan on it and as soon
as I can rush home from school, I know I will be hurriedly typing out my
thoughts here. And I find it amusing that I am nervous for my favorite books. I
hope, I hope, I hope.