Saturday, December 5, 2015

Celebrate This Week - 12/5

I am ready to celebrate with the community over at Ruth Ayres blog. After two days down with the stomach flu, I feel like a new person. Today, more than ever, it is time to rock out the celebration. 

This week I am celebrating...

Seriously, how can one person have this voice? It's a good thing you can "wear out" the album in iTunes, because I listed to Hello on repeat on the way to NCTE when the flight was soooo bumpy I thought I was going to have a full blown panic attack. Thanks, Adele, for helping me to avoid that. Now, I just listen and smile. Amazing.

Walks With Rosie
I moan and groan on a regular basis the fact that I cannot sleep in anymore because this little pup wants to walk. However, after two days of not being able to go on said walks, I was grateful to head out this morning with her, in the fog, and listen to Adele as we walked. Peace descended.

My Students
I know how lucky I am on regular basis to work with these kids, but when you're sick? They are beyond cool. One of the teachers on my team set up a Padlet and let them leave notes for me. When your stomach is waging a war with your body, not a lot makes you feel better, but that did. I'm beyond grateful to them all. 

My Family and Fabulous Friends
This was a tough week for a variety of reasons, but I'm beyond grateful for a family that is amazing and friends that will reach out and connect when they know you need it. I cannot celebrate them enough.

And with that, I'm getting ready to head to a 7th grade basketball game for the day. Hoping you have a fabulous weekend full of family, friends, reading, writing, and no stomach flu!