Slice of Life is sponsored every Tuesday by Stacey and Ruth from Two Writing Teachers. For the month of March we are challenging ourselves to write a Slice A Day.
When I
was growing up, I knew I wanted to be a mom. I also was absolutely certain that
I would be a mom to boys – three, in fact. When I was pregnant that first time
and we had the ultrasound, the doctor announced it was a boy, and I wasn’t
surprised at all.
Three years later we were expecting again. People asked what I “wanted” – as if
I had a choice in the matter. I always said I wanted a healthy baby, which I
truly did, but I was thrilled to find out we were having another boy.
I remember my irritation when people would ask if we were going to “try” for a
third so we could have a girl. I love my two boys, if we planned on another
child, it would be to have another child – not to fill a void in gender.
And I know we’re lucky. We’re perfectly happy with what we are blessed to have.
I also think God knew what he was doing – because honestly, boys are much
easier for me to raise than girls.
drama kills me – I have seen enough of it over the years as a teacher. I am not
a fan of heading to gymnastics or cheerleading. And I enjoy boy humor.
Don’t get me wrong, I adore my students that are girls. I feel blessed that I
am part of their lives. But coming home to conversations like the one below
make me realize, I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
Liam has been “raising” a Peep at school all week. It is his “child.” His peep
has a name, but he calls it “Peepy.” I have heard about Peepy all week – what Liam
has done with him, what he was going to read him, etc. We even made Peepy a
bed. Tonight Peepy was coming home to live here. I walked through the dining
room and saw the box, no Peepy. I walked into the family room.
“Liam, where’s Peepy? I want to see him.” Liam looks at me and grins. “No…. you
Peepy's former home |
eat him, did you?”
Liam smiles, “Mmmm. Tasty.”
“Liam, he
was your baby!”
Luke pipes in, “He’s never babysitting my kids.”
Lord I love my boys.