Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Start of the School Year

It’s that time of year – the crazy time before school starts. The time of year that I’m overwhelmed and just trying to get something done each day without losing my mind. When trying to realize why I was losing it, why after fourteen years of teaching the start of school still seems insane, I wrote down what I was doing and needed to do to get ready to start. This was my list last week:

Create these documents and put students’ names on:
·      Grade book pages
·      Master Data sheets
·      Homework check in
·      Master list (and numbered list)
·      State Book Award sheet – and that created
·      Folder cover

Put students’ names on:
·      Evernote notebooks
·      Kidblog
·      Biblionasium check-out

·      Plans created – new template
·      First two weeks of plans sketched out
·      ISAT results recorded
·      Schedule created
·      New bulletin board titles created and put up
·      Labels updated
·      Shelves cleaned
·      100+ new books labeled, put in the database, and onto shelves
·      All baskets checked for correct books
·      Room arranged
·      Shelves cleaned
·      Schedule cards created
·      Lunch count created
·      New classroom website and blog created
·      Seating chart created

This isn’t even everything, just what I thought of as I typed. There is so much more to do, and I’m not even “officially” back yet. We have one day to come back (Monday) and then the kids arrive Tuesday.

Deep breaths.

Yet, even with the stress, the excitement is building. I met a few students the other day – got my first hug from one of them. I’ve had texts, emails, and messages from new parents sharing how excited their children are. And when I look around the room, I can feel the anticipation of great things – great book conversations, Skype visits with friends, amazing writing waiting to come forth. I know, I am certain, it is going to be a great year.

And it starts in four days.
